Friday, June 26, 2009

My Husband, the Blogger

My husband has officially joined the blogging community. He is actually quite good at it, especially since he's writing about his one true love, the only love I have to compete with, music. He's having so much fun, and I am glad for him, eveh though we now have to compete for "quiet computer time" a.k.a., blogging and computer research without kids in our laps or kids yelling or fighting right beside us as we are trying to be brilliant. Yet, we will manage. :)
In honor of him joining the throngs of the online writers, I dedicate this post solely to him and his blog. Subpar is a blog dedicated to the rare and often forgotten music that I have rarely heard or not prefer to hear. Read more below.

SUB-PAR: Not measuring up to traditional standards of performance, value, or production. Music available from this Blog, the U.S. Government does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed. The music on this blog is intended for review purposes and should not be seen as a substitute for the original, legal product. Support your Artist and Musicians by Purchasing Music if you like it.
So, have fun, you guys and remember support your music by purchasing, not pirating!

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